


Home Business ATES CCTV

Integrated Automatic Traffic Enforcement System

Old system was inconvenient because Camera, Controller and Roof sensor were separately managed. JWIS’s automatic traffic enforcement system is effective and convenient because all parts are installed inside the camera which makes it more effective to operate and manage. Also, JWIS’s integrated system allows the users to select from different functions in one hardware: Speeding Enforcement, Signal Violation Enforcement, Tailgating Violation Enforcement and Cut in Line Violation Enforcement.
Systems operating on site
1. Speeding and Signal Violation Enforcement System
Extended range of enforcement allows the camera to detect and collect more accurate vehicle information
Operating system on screen

2. Tailgating Violation Enforcement System
Extended range of enforcement allows the system to detect and collect wider range of vehicle information on cross roads
Operating system on screen

3. Cut in line Violation Enforcement System
The system immediately senses Cut in line violation and collects the vehicle information
Cut in line violation enforcement system